Trueman Show A movie ahead of its time


This film becomes all the more important to this day, for two important reasons. Firstly, we live in an era where the virtual social networking validations make every single person go through the 'Truman Syndrome' time and again. If you are unaware about the 'Truman Syndrome' here's some gathered information (from IMDb) -- 

"According to a 2008 New York Times article, psychologists in Britain and the U.S. reported a number of people experiencing "Truman Syndrome" or "the Truman Show delusion," the belief that they are the unwitting star of their own reality TV show. Reportedly, many afflicted specifically mentioned the film in therapy. More recently, on September 16, 2013, the detailed account of one Ohio student who suffered for years from the Truman Show delusion was documented in the New Yorker magazine article "Unreality Star" by Andrew Marantz."

We search for validation on the basis of temporal reactive actions on our diurnal activities, and to do that we post about them on social media. 

Secondly, this era calls for actions regarding data protection. We know that all our activities, most of which are internet validated, are under the radar of people who are monitoring moves on the basis of how they are enacted. We might search for products on an online market site/app, and suddenly find that similar products come in the recommended post sections of social media applications. It's as if there is a Christof to each of our Truman, and there are times when we are on the edge of our validation of trust as we deny the overwhelming impact this web surveillance is having on us. Truman Burbank had an escape route through the door, but us?

Peter Weir created something which was way ahead of the outlook of the world in 1998, but he pitched perfectly. Jim Carrey made Truman Burbank all the more vulnerable and believable with a career defining performance (the other being Man on the Moon's Andy Kaufman). The film is available on Netflix for all of you too watch. This should not wait for a recommendation. Watch it and we'll discuss. If you are a repeat watcher like me, I am open to talking and discussing about the subject matter, as this narrative demands interactions.


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